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RECOGNIZING YOUR BRAVERY: A Journey of Self & Spirit

In the rush of daily life—from ticking off tasks to managing the roles we play, particularly as parents—we often operate on autopilot, rarely pausing to acknowledge our own acts of bravery. Yet, it's vital to remember that recognizing our personal courage is not about conceit; it’s about acknowledging our true selves. This self-recognition is crucial, as depending solely on others for affirmation can leave us feeling unfulfilled.

Put on the Full Armor of God

To be brave is to engage in regular “self-checks” and affirm one’s worth and actions—a practice that may seem daunting in a society that often encourages us to forget ourselves. This self-forgetfulness can strip us of our bravery, impacting not just our own well-being, but also that of our families and communities, particularly our children, who absorb every action and inaction.

During times of adversity, when a supportive shoulder seems absent, we must remember that we are not alone. As articulated in Psalms 51, cleaning our hearts and seeking clarity in our purpose is essential. Sometimes, life’s vision becomes fogged, and it’s in these moments that we must find our spiritual defroster.

This season has tested my limits, revealing battles too vast for me to face alone. I've turned to God, the creator and sustainer of all things, trusting in His infinite wisdom. This shift hasn’t been easy, breaking old habits seldom is, but it’s necessary. As Deuteronomy 31:6 reminds us, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you."

As we navigate life, let us not isolate ourselves. Surround yourself with a community that uplifts you through biblical principles, enabling you to thrive in adversity and become a beacon for others. Embrace the support system that reinforces your spiritual journey and encourages continual growth and bravery.

May God hold you steadfast in His purpose, abundantly blessing your path and fortifying your spirit.

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